Kanon Wakeshima debut to a game!Her song "Toumei NO Kagi-Key Of Transparency"used in the japanese online-game,Key Of Avalon.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Kanon Wakeshima and Mana at Paris!

Due to the small size of the venue the event was limited to 350 people and the fans had waited patiently outside La Bellevilloise since early morning, braving icy temperatures, wind and snow, to ensure that they would be among the lucky ones. Finally at 8:00pm sharp the doors opened and, after passing a merchandise table with the European version of Kanon's debut album, Shinshoku Dolce, and Kanon mirrors and drawings, as well as the new European version of Moi dix Mois' DIXANADU ~Fated "raison d'étre"~ Europe Tour 2007 live DVD, they filed into the darkened auditorium.
At around 8:30pm a male and female presenter appeared on the small stage, and informed the audience that taking photos and making videos was strictly forbidden, jokingly threatening physical violence to anyone who dared to break this rule. They then announced the program for the evening, starting with Mana's Q&A session.
Greeted with loud cheering from the crowd, Mana entered through a door at the back of the auditorium, looking very elegant in a black velvet hat, black Ritual Print shirt, long black trousers (all courtesy of his fashion label Moi-même-Moitié) and high heeled platform boots. He climbed up the stairs to the stage, sat down next to an interpreter and began to answer questions. As usual, Mana didn't actually speak, but wrote his answers on a notepad, which he passed to the interpreter, who then relayed them back to the audience while Mana underlined them with expressive, often deliberately funny gestures. Despite his dark image he definitely has a sense of humour!
He explained that he was happy to be back in Paris because the city holds pleasant memories for him, that Sony invited him to become Kanon's producer and that in his eyes she is the perfect girl because she plays the cello very well and also draws beautifully. Speaking about Shinshoku Dolce, he said that each track on the album has its own personality, so you can listen to it over and over without getting bored, and that the mixture of vocals, cello and electronics is unique. Of course the fans were also curious about his own band, Moi dix Mois, but he replied that, although he would like to, they don't have any plans at the moment to return to Europe. Finally he asked the audience to be nice to Kanon because she is still very young and travelling abroad for the first time. Then he bowed and disappeared the way he had come.
Next a white cello was carried on to the stage and the two presenters appeared again, announcing Kanon's performance. She had already given autographs and held a brief Q&A session at a solo event the previous day at the FNAC record shop on the Champs-Élysées. During the session she explained that she had learned a lot from Mana and that working with him was very rewarding, and that her inspiration comes from fairy tales such as Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland, which appear naïve at first glance but also have a dark side. It is this ambivalence between darkness and naivety that interests her. She also explained that although she didn't know "Vampire Knight" prior to her songs being chosen for its ending theme, she has come to love it and wouldn't mind attending Cross Academy because the uniforms are so pretty. Thereafter, the evening at La Bellevilloise was reserved exclusively for her musical skills.
Kanon entered through the same door as Mana, dressed in the long red ball gown, headdress and glove she is wearing on the cover of Shinshoku Dolce, while the audience chanted "Kanon! Kanon! Kanon!" Her hoop skirt was so full it barely fit through the door, but she gracefully made her way to the stage and immediately began to perform Shinku No Fatarythm, followed by Suna no oshiro. Her voice was clear and strong and she delivered both songs with great confidence and charm, alternating between cello, microphone stand and a hand-held microphone while dancing along to the music and toying with her full, long skirt.
After the second song she paused to address the audience. "Pure" is a term that seems to be almost forgotten in our increasingly loud and vulgar world, but it describes Kanon Wakeshima better than any other. She exudes the genuine sweetness and innocence of a young girl who hasn't been in show business for long and hasn't yet been exposed to its less pleasant sides. After announcing the release of her debut album, she introduced herself in surprisingly clear and fluent French before blurting out excitedly that she has been playing cello since the age of three; that she loves drawing, Paris and croissants; that her favourite food is spaghetti; and that she loves cats and hers is black.
Then the live performance continued with her debut single, still doll. While she sang, Kanon moved like a mechanical doll and then picked up her cello with the same stiff, jerky movements to play her solo. Those who could pry their eyes away from her for a moment and turned around were rewarded with a glimpse of Mana, who peered through the door at the back of the auditorium, watching his protégée and the reactions she was receiving. When the crowd cheered loudly at the end of the song she thanked them with a big smile and a happy "merci!" Finally the set ended with the light-hearted tune skip turn step♪, which seemed to be everybody's favourite. Kanon asked the fans to clap along with the music and they obliged with enthusiasm, and when she opened a ruffled red umbrella and waved it along with the music some members of the audience followed her example and waved their own umbrellas while the rest of the audience continued to clap. After a final heartfelt "arigatou gozaimasu" Kanon left the stage and disappeared.
Now it was time for Mana's autograph and hand shaking event, which took place on a gallery on the left side of the room, while a projection of DIXANADU ~Fated "raison d'étre"~ Europe Tour 2007 was shown on the stage downstairs. One by one the fans, some of whom were carrying presents and flowers, were led upstairs to the table where Mana signed their DVDs. Next to him sat again the interpreter, who wrote down the fans' names so Mana was able to dedicate each autograph to the fan personally, and translated whatever they had to say to him. When everybody had received his or her autograph and hand shake, Mana climbed down the spiral staircase that led from the end of the gallery to the auditorium downstairs, where he was greeted with spontaneous applause and cheering from the audience. He bowed deeply and then, just before he disappeared through a small door next to the stage, he turned back and waved to the audience.
The evening ended with a sneak preview of the first two episodes of the upcoming French release of the "Vampire Knight" anime and finally a "Vampire Knight" quiz.
Kanon and Mana can be satisfied with what they have achieved so far. Kanon's classically inspired music and melancholy lyrics are a far cry from the straightforward heavy rock that dominates Western J-music fandom, but on this first trip abroad she enchanted everybody with her girlish charm and the strength of her performance. We hope that we will be able to welcome this exciting young artist in Europe again soon and wish both her and Mana the very best for their future endeavors!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Kanon Wakeshima Special Interview by CDJapan
Kanon Wakeshima Special Interview by CDJapan
--First off, can you tell me what made you first want to become a vocalist?
Wakeshima: I've practiced classical cello since I was little and have always wanted to become a musician.
Up until junior high school I neglected other genres aside from classical, but when I entered junior high I began listening to Jpop. I'd only listened to classical music up to this point, so I was shocked to find this other type of music. I started making music because I wanted to see what kind of songs I'd end up making.
--So then you just started making music?
Wakeshima: Yes.
--Which artist surprised you the most?
Wakeshima: I listened to a number of artists so there wasn't one particular act that stood out. I just listened to whatever my friends would send me.
--I see. Now, you play the cello while you sing. There aren't many artists that do that. When did you decide on this style?
Wakeshima: Also around junior high. I needed accompaniment for my demo tape. I studied keyboard once, but I didn't stick with it so I wouldn't have been able to play to my satisfaction (Laughs). Instead I went with a cello accompaniment since I'd been playing cello for years.
I kept recording and layering, recording and layering, and I learned to sing and play at the same time when I was coming up with the harmonies.
--I've been wondering how it is you perform. Do you just sit down while you're playing cello and start to sing?
Wakeshima: I sit right now, but I'd like to learn to play standing up in the future.
--That's great. I'd like to see you play standing up.
Wakeshima: (Laughs).
--Still, the cello is such a big instrument. The red cello on the jacket of your single is very cute.
Wakeshima: Thank you. The cover is quite beautiful, isn't it?
--I'd like to see you play that red cello.
Wakeshima: That is actually the cello I play.
--Well then, someday I'd like to see you play live.
Wakeshima: OK (Laughs).
--Your highly anticipated debut single was released on May 28, 2008. Now that it's out, how do you feel about it?
Wakeshima: I don't really feel like it's out yet (Laughs). When I worked on this single--and really when I work on anything-- I come across so many different people. I was very happy to be a part of the creation team.
--I believe this was your first time recording your voice. Was it difficult?
Wakeshima: I really love singing so it wasn't very difficult at all.
--You have a wonderful voice.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--This time your new single was produced by Mana-sama from Moi dix Mois. How was it to work beside Mana-sama?
Wakeshima: I'm actually an extremely shy person. I was particularly shy in elementary and junior high though I finally learned to talk at the end (Laughs). I've always been a little slower to develop than other kids. At first I wasn't able to convey what I was thinking and I couldn't get past how bad I was at speaking. But working with Mana-sama, he came to understand those parts and what I meant to say. Eventually I was able to tell him exactly what I wanted.
--So after a while you two clicked
Wakeshima: Yes.
--I feel like the sound really matches your image.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--It feels mystical--somewhere between mysticism and fantasy.
Wakeshima: Yes. When I first heard the single I felt this fantastic, strange aura.
--You wrote the lyrics for both tracks on the single. What were you feeling when you wrote the lyrics for each of these songs?
Wakeshima: The first is a really beautiful song, so from the start I tried to put down lyrics that would bring out its best parts. I put the song on repeat while I tried to figure out what the song was trying to say. Eventually I found myself writing from the point of view of a little girl, and "still doll" is about her talking to her favorite doll.
--I see. Now the B-side is a song titled "Kuroi Torikago." What were you imagining when you wrote that?
Wakeshima: "Kuroi Torikago" is a rather fast song. At first I felt this sensation like the song was fighting against something else. And while it fights, it also tries to protect something. With such a willful song, I felt I should make the lyrics about protection.
--After hearing these two tracks I have to say, your voice changes with each song.
Wakeshima: As with my lyrics, I try to find the method of singing that best matches the song.
--Were you able to come up with the music and lyrics for both tracks easily?
Wakeshima: Nope, I struggled quite a bit (Laughs). I couldn't decide what to write for the final two lines of "Kuroi Torikago" and went right up to the deadline trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, I just asked for a few minutes alone, jumped into the studio, and over a few minutes came up with the final lyrics. I thought about the lyrics all the way to the deadline, but when I finally handed them over to the staff they thought they were fine.
--Wow. Personally I would have felt a lot of pressure if I only had a few minutes (Laughs). You really fought it out.
Wakeshima: Yes, I did (Laughs).
--I can't believe you were able to pull that off.
Wakeshima: I wasn't starting from scratch. I felt like I almost had something so I asked for a little more time.
--So the words were already on their way out?
Wakeshima: Yes, I was only able to pull it off because the words were right on the tip of my tongue (Laughs).
--But still, good job (Laughs). So with your new single, what did you try to emphasize the most in your songs?
Wakeshima: The image of the songs. I feel that all of Mana-sama's works have a very defined, strong, and cohesive image. I wanted to use that image myself, by making lyrics and cello music that match and recreate it. I wanted to be able to say to my listeners that this is who I am.
--Your music, lyrics, and image all match together well. Sometimes I'll hear something and think "Hmmm," but everything works together as a very conceptual whole. You might not have planned it yourself, but there is a very distinctive color to your work.
Wakeshima: Mana-sama's the sort of person that tries to make the best possible work from start to finish. I got the strong impression that he's always saying, "the song might sound better if we did this." In that respect, Mana-sama's very concerned with creating a perfect, complete work.
--Your lyrics and songs are probably reactions to the world Mana-sama has pursued. That's why you've ended up with such a cohesive work.
Wakeshima: (Blushes) Thank you.
--Now, what sort of people would you like to have listen to "still doll."
Wakeshima: This is my first single so I'd rather not say, "only these people should listen to it"--I want everyone to hear it. This isn't just from me; there are a number of people involved with this work. Since so many people made it, I'd like even more people to hear it.
--The single also appears as the theme song to anime "Vampire Knight." I bet you'll have anime fans listening too.
Wakeshima: Yes, I guess so. I'd be pleased to have anime fans listening!
--The single matches the anime well.
Wakeshima: Yes! I thought the anime had a very wonderful atmosphere to it.
--I thought so, too. Well then, now I was hoping I could ask you some questions about yourself. Objectively speaking, how would you describe yourself?
Wakeshima: Well! Everyone tells me I'm a real free spirit.
--(Laughs), Really?
Wakeshima: Apparently I'm a really free person (Laughs).
--What do you, yourself, think?
Wakeshima: I'm not sure . . . what am I like (Laughs)? In both good and bad ways, I'd say I'm the type of person who thinks the best day to do something is the day you decide to do it. I like to do what I can at that moment.
--So once you think "now!" you jump to action?
Wakeshima: People tell me to stop (Laughs), but I keep thinking, "I want to do it, so I'll do it!" I want to do whatever people tell me not to do (Laughs).
--I'm surprised you're that sort of person (Laughs). Today you've got quite a cute ensemble on. Are you particular about fashion?
Wakeshima: I love clothes, but I always end up buying one-pieces (Laughs). If I buy separates, I find it difficult to match them. (Laughs) I like to just throw on a one-piece.
--Well then, is there anything you're into right now? Anything aside from music you collect?
Wakeshima: It's not something I collect, but I do like drawing. I draw and often draw at my home on my days off.
--You've posted a lot of pictures to your blog.
Wakeshima: Yes. I'm not very good at writing and they said I could post pictures, so that's what I do.
--And they aren't just doodles either. You've uploaded some very good pieces.
Wakeshima: They won't let me post the doodles (Laughs). I'm always scribbling things down, but I don't think I should show them to other people (Laughs).
--So you upload the disciplined works.
Wakeshima: Yes, at least for now (Laughs). But occasionally I'll slip a doodle onto my talent agency's cell phone site (Laughs).
--Those are rare works (Laughs)! So now we fans have got to watch the cell phone site (Laughs). Ms. Wakeshima's works are quite wonderful, so you guys have got to check them out. Well then, can you tell me what a day in the life of Kanon Wakeshima would be like?
Wakeshima: First, you'd ideally wake up early.
--Uh, I can't do that.
Wakeshima: There's a huge difference between the days I can and can't get up early. When I get up early, I get up around 5 in the morning. But when I can't, I wake up at 3 in the afternoon (Laughs).
I feel like I really lose out on those days. It's quite a shock and I'm usually blue the rest of the day. The early bird really does get the worm. I can get so much more done when I wake up early, so I try to get up early as often as possible (Laughs).
--(Laughs) So your first priority is to get up early (Laughs).
Wakeshima: Yes, that's where it all starts (Laughs).
--I see (Laughs). Now then, if you could recommend a work from anyone but yourself, what would you recommend?
Wakeshima: I love Mayumi Kojima. I'm always listening to her.
--So you recommend an album by Mayumi Kojima?
Wakeshima: Yes.
--Well then, can you tell me one of your dreams?
Wakeshima: I'd like to continue with music and try other things. I want to express myself in as many outlets as possible such as through my illustrations. I want to be able to move as many as people as I can with my work.
--I look forward to it.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--What sort of works do you plan to make in the future?
Wakeshima: What indeed. I've only just released my debut single, so I want to try out a variety of types of songs. I don't want to set any limits--if I can make it I want to make it.
--You keep saying you want to show us as many new sides as possible, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Wakeshima: I'll do my best!
--Finally, I'd like to get a message from you for all of your fans.
Wakeshima: I released my debut single on May 28, 2008. The new song features a very strange atmosphere thanks to Mana-sama's "lost in a castle" style of music as well as the the lyrics and cello piece I made to go along with it. Please give my new single a listen.
Also, I update my website every week so I'd be pleased if you could stop by and look at my illustrations. Right now I'm in the middle of working on my next release, so once that's out be sure to check that out as well.
--Thank you.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
(Text by Takahashi, Translated by Szkoropad)
--First off, can you tell me what made you first want to become a vocalist?
Wakeshima: I've practiced classical cello since I was little and have always wanted to become a musician.
Up until junior high school I neglected other genres aside from classical, but when I entered junior high I began listening to Jpop. I'd only listened to classical music up to this point, so I was shocked to find this other type of music. I started making music because I wanted to see what kind of songs I'd end up making.
--So then you just started making music?
Wakeshima: Yes.
--Which artist surprised you the most?
Wakeshima: I listened to a number of artists so there wasn't one particular act that stood out. I just listened to whatever my friends would send me.
--I see. Now, you play the cello while you sing. There aren't many artists that do that. When did you decide on this style?
Wakeshima: Also around junior high. I needed accompaniment for my demo tape. I studied keyboard once, but I didn't stick with it so I wouldn't have been able to play to my satisfaction (Laughs). Instead I went with a cello accompaniment since I'd been playing cello for years.
I kept recording and layering, recording and layering, and I learned to sing and play at the same time when I was coming up with the harmonies.
--I've been wondering how it is you perform. Do you just sit down while you're playing cello and start to sing?
Wakeshima: I sit right now, but I'd like to learn to play standing up in the future.
--That's great. I'd like to see you play standing up.
Wakeshima: (Laughs).
--Still, the cello is such a big instrument. The red cello on the jacket of your single is very cute.
Wakeshima: Thank you. The cover is quite beautiful, isn't it?
--I'd like to see you play that red cello.
Wakeshima: That is actually the cello I play.
--Well then, someday I'd like to see you play live.
Wakeshima: OK (Laughs).
--Your highly anticipated debut single was released on May 28, 2008. Now that it's out, how do you feel about it?
Wakeshima: I don't really feel like it's out yet (Laughs). When I worked on this single--and really when I work on anything-- I come across so many different people. I was very happy to be a part of the creation team.
--I believe this was your first time recording your voice. Was it difficult?
Wakeshima: I really love singing so it wasn't very difficult at all.
--You have a wonderful voice.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--This time your new single was produced by Mana-sama from Moi dix Mois. How was it to work beside Mana-sama?
Wakeshima: I'm actually an extremely shy person. I was particularly shy in elementary and junior high though I finally learned to talk at the end (Laughs). I've always been a little slower to develop than other kids. At first I wasn't able to convey what I was thinking and I couldn't get past how bad I was at speaking. But working with Mana-sama, he came to understand those parts and what I meant to say. Eventually I was able to tell him exactly what I wanted.
--So after a while you two clicked
Wakeshima: Yes.
--I feel like the sound really matches your image.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--It feels mystical--somewhere between mysticism and fantasy.
Wakeshima: Yes. When I first heard the single I felt this fantastic, strange aura.
--You wrote the lyrics for both tracks on the single. What were you feeling when you wrote the lyrics for each of these songs?
Wakeshima: The first is a really beautiful song, so from the start I tried to put down lyrics that would bring out its best parts. I put the song on repeat while I tried to figure out what the song was trying to say. Eventually I found myself writing from the point of view of a little girl, and "still doll" is about her talking to her favorite doll.
--I see. Now the B-side is a song titled "Kuroi Torikago." What were you imagining when you wrote that?
Wakeshima: "Kuroi Torikago" is a rather fast song. At first I felt this sensation like the song was fighting against something else. And while it fights, it also tries to protect something. With such a willful song, I felt I should make the lyrics about protection.
--After hearing these two tracks I have to say, your voice changes with each song.
Wakeshima: As with my lyrics, I try to find the method of singing that best matches the song.
--Were you able to come up with the music and lyrics for both tracks easily?
Wakeshima: Nope, I struggled quite a bit (Laughs). I couldn't decide what to write for the final two lines of "Kuroi Torikago" and went right up to the deadline trying to figure out what to do. Eventually, I just asked for a few minutes alone, jumped into the studio, and over a few minutes came up with the final lyrics. I thought about the lyrics all the way to the deadline, but when I finally handed them over to the staff they thought they were fine.
--Wow. Personally I would have felt a lot of pressure if I only had a few minutes (Laughs). You really fought it out.
Wakeshima: Yes, I did (Laughs).
--I can't believe you were able to pull that off.
Wakeshima: I wasn't starting from scratch. I felt like I almost had something so I asked for a little more time.
--So the words were already on their way out?
Wakeshima: Yes, I was only able to pull it off because the words were right on the tip of my tongue (Laughs).
--But still, good job (Laughs). So with your new single, what did you try to emphasize the most in your songs?
Wakeshima: The image of the songs. I feel that all of Mana-sama's works have a very defined, strong, and cohesive image. I wanted to use that image myself, by making lyrics and cello music that match and recreate it. I wanted to be able to say to my listeners that this is who I am.
--Your music, lyrics, and image all match together well. Sometimes I'll hear something and think "Hmmm," but everything works together as a very conceptual whole. You might not have planned it yourself, but there is a very distinctive color to your work.
Wakeshima: Mana-sama's the sort of person that tries to make the best possible work from start to finish. I got the strong impression that he's always saying, "the song might sound better if we did this." In that respect, Mana-sama's very concerned with creating a perfect, complete work.
--Your lyrics and songs are probably reactions to the world Mana-sama has pursued. That's why you've ended up with such a cohesive work.
Wakeshima: (Blushes) Thank you.
--Now, what sort of people would you like to have listen to "still doll."
Wakeshima: This is my first single so I'd rather not say, "only these people should listen to it"--I want everyone to hear it. This isn't just from me; there are a number of people involved with this work. Since so many people made it, I'd like even more people to hear it.
--The single also appears as the theme song to anime "Vampire Knight." I bet you'll have anime fans listening too.
Wakeshima: Yes, I guess so. I'd be pleased to have anime fans listening!
--The single matches the anime well.
Wakeshima: Yes! I thought the anime had a very wonderful atmosphere to it.
--I thought so, too. Well then, now I was hoping I could ask you some questions about yourself. Objectively speaking, how would you describe yourself?
Wakeshima: Well! Everyone tells me I'm a real free spirit.
--(Laughs), Really?
Wakeshima: Apparently I'm a really free person (Laughs).
--What do you, yourself, think?
Wakeshima: I'm not sure . . . what am I like (Laughs)? In both good and bad ways, I'd say I'm the type of person who thinks the best day to do something is the day you decide to do it. I like to do what I can at that moment.
--So once you think "now!" you jump to action?
Wakeshima: People tell me to stop (Laughs), but I keep thinking, "I want to do it, so I'll do it!" I want to do whatever people tell me not to do (Laughs).
--I'm surprised you're that sort of person (Laughs). Today you've got quite a cute ensemble on. Are you particular about fashion?
Wakeshima: I love clothes, but I always end up buying one-pieces (Laughs). If I buy separates, I find it difficult to match them. (Laughs) I like to just throw on a one-piece.
--Well then, is there anything you're into right now? Anything aside from music you collect?
Wakeshima: It's not something I collect, but I do like drawing. I draw and often draw at my home on my days off.
--You've posted a lot of pictures to your blog.
Wakeshima: Yes. I'm not very good at writing and they said I could post pictures, so that's what I do.
--And they aren't just doodles either. You've uploaded some very good pieces.
Wakeshima: They won't let me post the doodles (Laughs). I'm always scribbling things down, but I don't think I should show them to other people (Laughs).
--So you upload the disciplined works.
Wakeshima: Yes, at least for now (Laughs). But occasionally I'll slip a doodle onto my talent agency's cell phone site (Laughs).
--Those are rare works (Laughs)! So now we fans have got to watch the cell phone site (Laughs). Ms. Wakeshima's works are quite wonderful, so you guys have got to check them out. Well then, can you tell me what a day in the life of Kanon Wakeshima would be like?
Wakeshima: First, you'd ideally wake up early.
--Uh, I can't do that.
Wakeshima: There's a huge difference between the days I can and can't get up early. When I get up early, I get up around 5 in the morning. But when I can't, I wake up at 3 in the afternoon (Laughs).
I feel like I really lose out on those days. It's quite a shock and I'm usually blue the rest of the day. The early bird really does get the worm. I can get so much more done when I wake up early, so I try to get up early as often as possible (Laughs).
--(Laughs) So your first priority is to get up early (Laughs).
Wakeshima: Yes, that's where it all starts (Laughs).
--I see (Laughs). Now then, if you could recommend a work from anyone but yourself, what would you recommend?
Wakeshima: I love Mayumi Kojima. I'm always listening to her.
--So you recommend an album by Mayumi Kojima?
Wakeshima: Yes.
--Well then, can you tell me one of your dreams?
Wakeshima: I'd like to continue with music and try other things. I want to express myself in as many outlets as possible such as through my illustrations. I want to be able to move as many as people as I can with my work.
--I look forward to it.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
--What sort of works do you plan to make in the future?
Wakeshima: What indeed. I've only just released my debut single, so I want to try out a variety of types of songs. I don't want to set any limits--if I can make it I want to make it.
--You keep saying you want to show us as many new sides as possible, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Wakeshima: I'll do my best!
--Finally, I'd like to get a message from you for all of your fans.
Wakeshima: I released my debut single on May 28, 2008. The new song features a very strange atmosphere thanks to Mana-sama's "lost in a castle" style of music as well as the the lyrics and cello piece I made to go along with it. Please give my new single a listen.
Also, I update my website every week so I'd be pleased if you could stop by and look at my illustrations. Right now I'm in the middle of working on my next release, so once that's out be sure to check that out as well.
--Thank you.
Wakeshima: Thank you.
(Text by Takahashi, Translated by Szkoropad)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Shinshoku Dolce Album Preview-All Tracks
1-Sweet Ticket
2-Shinku No Feetarizumu
4-Still Doll(album ver.)
6-Ennui Kibun!
7-Suna NO Oshiro
8-Monochrome Frame
9-L`espoir~Mahou No Akita~
10-Kuroi Torikago
11-Skip Turn Step
12-Shiroi Kokoro
13-Sweet Dreams
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Kanon Wakeshima Live at Fnac
Kanon Wakeshima Live at Fnac,Paris
-Shinku No Fetarizumu
-Still Doll
h Signing
-Shinku No Fetarizumu
-Still Doll
h Signing
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Skip Turn Step♪ Lyrics
shoutai sareta
hare no hi no ame
atashi ni mimi uchishita
shizuka ni shizuka ni
ame no POOL fun de STEP o hiroshiteiru
kangen no STACCATO o manete awasete kara kau
kasa o sute
kimi wa kirakira warau kara
okujou wa kagi o kaketeite mo sora no mirareru no
kokkai shiteta
natsu no hi no gogo
atashi ni ame ga futta
shizuka ni shizuka ni
ame no POOL fun de STEP o hiroshiteiru
gasshou no CRESCENDO o manete awasete kara kau
kasa o sute
kimi wa fuwafuwa warau kara okujou wa otenki ame
warai koe wa
hibi ite sora ni tokete kimi o terashite
ashi oto wa
hibi ite ame ni hazukete kimi o yurashite
ame no POOL fun de STEP o
okujou wa otenki ame
kangen no STACCATO o manete
gasshou no CRESCENDO o manete
okujou wa otenki ame
hare no hi no ame
atashi ni mimi uchishita
shizuka ni shizuka ni
ame no POOL fun de STEP o hiroshiteiru
kangen no STACCATO o manete awasete kara kau
kasa o sute
kimi wa kirakira warau kara
okujou wa kagi o kaketeite mo sora no mirareru no
kokkai shiteta
natsu no hi no gogo
atashi ni ame ga futta
shizuka ni shizuka ni
ame no POOL fun de STEP o hiroshiteiru
gasshou no CRESCENDO o manete awasete kara kau
kasa o sute
kimi wa fuwafuwa warau kara okujou wa otenki ame
warai koe wa
hibi ite sora ni tokete kimi o terashite
ashi oto wa
hibi ite ame ni hazukete kimi o yurashite
ame no POOL fun de STEP o
okujou wa otenki ame
kangen no STACCATO o manete
gasshou no CRESCENDO o manete
okujou wa otenki ame
Kuroi Torikago Lyrics
Kono unmei ni wa sakaraenai
konmei suru nou ga kishimu
ten to jikan ni wa te mukaenai
moujuu suru
ryoute no
ito ga shime tsukeru
nuwareta me wo
mienai kabe wo kowashite!
kikai no shikou demo
yume wo mushibamu
kurai kako kowai mirai
ima wo shibaru kotoba wo hansuu suru riyuu
genkai wo shiru no wa
kuroi torikago no naka
haku koe
kesarete mo
mienai mono wo shinjite!
furueru ude demo
mamori nukitai
itoshii dareka wo
ima wo susumu omoi no tadoritsuku basho
kibou wo miru no wa
kuroi semai sekai de mo
nijimu mazenda no
hitomi wo akete
konmei suru nou ga kishimu
ten to jikan ni wa te mukaenai
moujuu suru
ryoute no
ito ga shime tsukeru
nuwareta me wo
mienai kabe wo kowashite!
kikai no shikou demo
yume wo mushibamu
kurai kako kowai mirai
ima wo shibaru kotoba wo hansuu suru riyuu
genkai wo shiru no wa
kuroi torikago no naka
haku koe
kesarete mo
mienai mono wo shinjite!
furueru ude demo
mamori nukitai
itoshii dareka wo
ima wo susumu omoi no tadoritsuku basho
kibou wo miru no wa
kuroi semai sekai de mo
nijimu mazenda no
hitomi wo akete
L’espoir -Mahou no Akai Ito- Lyrics
Ce piege que je t’ai tendu,
Ce fll_de couleur cerise,
Tombe_dedans, esclave de mon amour
Tu ne peux pas y echapper
nerai wa kare no haato to amai deeto
ano kotachi ni wa zettai maketaku nai
koi ni raibaru wa tsukimono dakedo
“RIOPSE”tte tonaereba muteki no mahou
risou wa yume ni tokete
mou futari no mono dakara
dare mo jama shinai de!
hontou wa kotoba ijou ni kokoro wo kogashiteru
dorama mitai na unmei wo
egaite itai
watashi ga shikaketa wana
cherii iro no ito
kakareba koi no toriko
mou nigerarenai
koi ni toraburu wa tsukimono dakedo
“RIOPSE”tte sasayakeba muteki no jumon
negai wo yume ni utsushiteru
futari no sekai ni wa
dare mo haira nai de!
hontou wa kotoba de fuan na kokoro kakushiteru
sunao ni koisuru watashi ni
kaete hoshii
Ce piege que je t’ai tendu,
Ce fll_de couleur cerise,
Tombe_dedans, esclave de mon amour
Tu ne peux pas y echapper
Ce fll_de couleur cerise,
Tombe_dedans, esclave de mon amour
Tu ne peux pas y echapper
nerai wa kare no haato to amai deeto
ano kotachi ni wa zettai maketaku nai
koi ni raibaru wa tsukimono dakedo
“RIOPSE”tte tonaereba muteki no mahou
risou wa yume ni tokete
mou futari no mono dakara
dare mo jama shinai de!
hontou wa kotoba ijou ni kokoro wo kogashiteru
dorama mitai na unmei wo
egaite itai
watashi ga shikaketa wana
cherii iro no ito
kakareba koi no toriko
mou nigerarenai
koi ni toraburu wa tsukimono dakedo
“RIOPSE”tte sasayakeba muteki no jumon
negai wo yume ni utsushiteru
futari no sekai ni wa
dare mo haira nai de!
hontou wa kotoba de fuan na kokoro kakushiteru
sunao ni koisuru watashi ni
kaete hoshii
Ce piege que je t’ai tendu,
Ce fll_de couleur cerise,
Tombe_dedans, esclave de mon amour
Tu ne peux pas y echapper
Monochrome Frame Lyrics
nata totomoni sugoseru hibi wa mou
dareka ka yaburi sutete shimatta no deshou
semete onaji umi no oto wo kiite itai
anata no koe ga
anata no kotoba ga
chikaku de hibiite furueru
kioku wa soko de tomatta mama
mata anata to tomo ni eiga no you na
aoku somaru machi wo nagametai noni
douka kurai umi no soko ni shizumete
tadoru tabi
omoidasu tabi ni
subete wo tsuranuku setsunasa
kioku wa koko de togireta mama de
fukaku naru
anata ga inai
kono keshiki wa
monokuroomu fureemu
ano keshiki wo
ima mo omoi tsuzukete
dareka ka yaburi sutete shimatta no deshou
semete onaji umi no oto wo kiite itai
anata no koe ga
anata no kotoba ga
chikaku de hibiite furueru
kioku wa soko de tomatta mama
mata anata to tomo ni eiga no you na
aoku somaru machi wo nagametai noni
douka kurai umi no soko ni shizumete
tadoru tabi
omoidasu tabi ni
subete wo tsuranuku setsunasa
kioku wa koko de togireta mama de
fukaku naru
anata ga inai
kono keshiki wa
monokuroomu fureemu
ano keshiki wo
ima mo omoi tsuzukete
Suna No Oshiro Lyrics
sotto nagareru
kawaita kumo ga tooru
hairo no watashi wa
tada jitto kiete iku no wo
hoshi wo atsumete
tsukuru suna no oshiro ni
watashi no sasayaka na inori
koborete ochiru
sono ashimoto wo
machibuseta nami ga sarau
a world of darkness
a world of silence
kiekakaru inori
kaze ni aorare nagara
sore demo tomori tsuzukete
watashi ga ikudo mo motsure nagara
hieyuku te de
tsukuru suna no oshiro wo
machibuseta nami ga sarau
anata e
a world of darkness.
a world of silence.
Quietly flowing
Dried clouds pass by
The gray me
Just watched their vanishing
Onto the castle of sand that I built
From gathering the stars
My tiny prayer
Waves that lay in waiting
Sweep you off your feet
a world of darkness.
a world of silence.
While the prayer that seems like it'll vanish soon
Is fanned by the wind
Nevertheless, I continue to light it
While I messed up again and again
The waves that lay in waiting
Sweep away the castle of sand that I built
With chilled hands
To you
sotto nagareru
kawaita kumo ga tooru
hairo no watashi wa
tada jitto kiete iku no wo
hoshi wo atsumete
tsukuru suna no oshiro ni
watashi no sasayaka na inori
koborete ochiru
sono ashimoto wo
machibuseta nami ga sarau
a world of darkness
a world of silence
kiekakaru inori
kaze ni aorare nagara
sore demo tomori tsuzukete
watashi ga ikudo mo motsure nagara
hieyuku te de
tsukuru suna no oshiro wo
machibuseta nami ga sarau
anata e
a world of darkness.
a world of silence.
Quietly flowing
Dried clouds pass by
The gray me
Just watched their vanishing
Onto the castle of sand that I built
From gathering the stars
My tiny prayer
Waves that lay in waiting
Sweep you off your feet
a world of darkness.
a world of silence.
While the prayer that seems like it'll vanish soon
Is fanned by the wind
Nevertheless, I continue to light it
While I messed up again and again
The waves that lay in waiting
Sweep away the castle of sand that I built
With chilled hands
To you
Ennui Kibun! Lyrics
Lyrics: Kanon Wakeshima
Music: Mana
neko no wo
shinpin no kutsu de fun jatta
sainan da wa!
aa aa aa a!
aa na ko na ko a aa A aa a!
kyou wa daiji na youna no desu
fuman wo
itte iru
baai de wa nai wa
ring, ring, morning
naridasu kikai on
kirai suki kirai
jirenma no
beddo no naka de
kirai suki kirai suki!
shokugo no
manzoku ge na
nakigoe ga
ashi ni karamitsuku no
sonna koto yori hayaku
ikanai to!
ring, ring, morning
naridasu kikai on
kirai suki kirai
annyui kibun
kagami no mae de
kirai suki kirai suki!
ring, ring, darling
shizuka ni shitete
kirai suki kirai
jirenma no
beddo no naka de
kyou dake tokubetsu
kirai suki!
Music: Mana
neko no wo
shinpin no kutsu de fun jatta
sainan da wa!
aa aa aa a!
aa na ko na ko a aa A aa a!
kyou wa daiji na youna no desu
fuman wo
itte iru
baai de wa nai wa
ring, ring, morning
naridasu kikai on
kirai suki kirai
jirenma no
beddo no naka de
kirai suki kirai suki!
shokugo no
manzoku ge na
nakigoe ga
ashi ni karamitsuku no
sonna koto yori hayaku
ikanai to!
ring, ring, morning
naridasu kikai on
kirai suki kirai
annyui kibun
kagami no mae de
kirai suki kirai suki!
ring, ring, darling
shizuka ni shitete
kirai suki kirai
jirenma no
beddo no naka de
kyou dake tokubetsu
kirai suki!
Maboroshi [Phantom] Lyrics
Lyrics: Kanon Wakeshima
Music: Mana
kuusou kara tsukurareta watashi wa kimi no tame ni aru
sugata wa nai
katachi mo nai
nozonda mono wo souzou deki masu
tenokou wa tansai ni
hai wa kurenai ni
nanman kiro no michi mo
nanjikan no yami demo
jiyuujizai ni kimi no
omoidoori ugoku damasu
kuukan wo koe demo
sonzai shinai watashi ga
kimi ni mukae nai koto wa
wakatte iru noni …
yume mo minai
kokoro mo nai
demo kimi wa aishiteruto
waratte kureta no
itte kureta no
temmetsu suru kodou
kimi no me kara mireba
ekishougamen ni haritsukerareta shingou no you
okuri tsudzukete iru
hikari mo maboroshi
todaete shimaeba moi koko ni wa irarenai
nanjikan no yami demo
jiyuujizai ni kimi no
omoidoori ugokudamasu
kuukan wo koe demo
sonzai shinai watashi ga
kimi ni mukaenai
wakatte iru no ni…
Music: Mana
kuusou kara tsukurareta watashi wa kimi no tame ni aru
sugata wa nai
katachi mo nai
nozonda mono wo souzou deki masu
tenokou wa tansai ni
hai wa kurenai ni
nanman kiro no michi mo
nanjikan no yami demo
jiyuujizai ni kimi no
omoidoori ugoku damasu
kuukan wo koe demo
sonzai shinai watashi ga
kimi ni mukae nai koto wa
wakatte iru noni …
yume mo minai
kokoro mo nai
demo kimi wa aishiteruto
waratte kureta no
itte kureta no
temmetsu suru kodou
kimi no me kara mireba
ekishougamen ni haritsukerareta shingou no you
okuri tsudzukete iru
hikari mo maboroshi
todaete shimaeba moi koko ni wa irarenai
nanjikan no yami demo
jiyuujizai ni kimi no
omoidoori ugokudamasu
kuukan wo koe demo
sonzai shinai watashi ga
kimi ni mukaenai
wakatte iru no ni…
Kagami Lyrics
ringo no doku wa
chiisana hagata ga ubai
shoujo no uso wa
bansan no seki de nemuru
nanatsu no ai mo
ouji no kisu mo
saigo ni wa subete
shiroi hada ni tokeru
kagami, kagami
watashi no minikui kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, konoyo de ichiban utsukushii no wa dare ?
tetsu no buutsu de
odori tsudzuke
saigo ni wa subete
kuroku yakarete shimau
kagami, kagami
watashi no kareta kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, kudakete hibiku nakigoe wa dare ?
kane, kagami
watashi no minikui kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, konoyo de ichiban utsukushii no wa dare ?
ringo no doku wa
chiisana hagata ga ubai
shoujo no uso wa
bansan no seki de nemuru
nanatsu no ai mo
ouji no kisu mo
saigo ni wa subete
shiroi hada ni tokeru
kagami, kagami
watashi no minikui kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, konoyo de ichiban utsukushii no wa dare ?
tetsu no buutsu de
odori tsudzuke
saigo ni wa subete
kuroku yakarete shimau
kagami, kagami
watashi no kareta kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, kudakete hibiku nakigoe wa dare ?
kane, kagami
watashi no minikui kokoro wo utsusu
kagami yo kagami, konoyo de ichiban utsukushii no wa dare ?
Shinku no Fetarizumu Lyrics
dare ni mo egao wo misenai de ite
dare ni mo sono te wo nobasanai de ite
anata wa watashi dake
ireba sorede ii desho
mogaku hodo kazarare
nigere domo karamitsuku
eien ni
anata no naka de kurikaeshi kikoeru
sono itsuwari bakari no feetarizumu
anata wo shibaru ai no zaigou
mata kasanari hibiku shupurehikooru
anata no hitomi ni wa
afureru shinju no hana
kyoufu to fuan subete wo
torisatte agemashou
eien ni koko de
anata no naka de kurikaeshi nagareru
sono shinjitsu wo tsuduru feetarizumu
anata wo kakusu ai no yurikago
mada nani mo shiranai muku na sugata no mama
shinku no nodo wo furuwasete
dare ni mo egao wo misenai de ite
dare ni mo sono te wo nobasanai de ite
anata wa watashi dake
ireba sorede ii desho
mogaku hodo kazarare
nigere domo karamitsuku
eien ni
anata no naka de kurikaeshi kikoeru
sono itsuwari bakari no feetarizumu
anata wo shibaru ai no zaigou
mata kasanari hibiku shupurehikooru
anata no hitomi ni wa
afureru shinju no hana
kyoufu to fuan subete wo
torisatte agemashou
eien ni koko de
anata no naka de kurikaeshi nagareru
sono shinjitsu wo tsuduru feetarizumu
anata wo kakusu ai no yurikago
mada nani mo shiranai muku na sugata no mama
shinku no nodo wo furuwasete
Still Doll Lyrics
Hi Miss Alice
Anata garasu no me de
Donna yume wo
Mirareru no
Miirareru no
Mata atashi
Kokoro ga sakete
Sukima ni sasaru
Hi Miss Alice
Anata kajitsu no kuchi de
Dare ni ai o
Nagete iru no
Nageite iru no
Mou atashi
Kotoba o tsumugu
Shita no netsu
Mederu o-uta mo
Still, you do not answer
Hi Miss Alice
あなた 硝子の眼で
Hi Miss Alice
あなた 果実の口で
Still, you do not answer
Hi Miss Alice.
With glass eyes
What kind of a dream
Are you able to have?
Are you entranced by?
Again for me
My heart tears apart
And flows out
Pierce into
The mended crevice
Hi Miss Alice.
With a fruitful mouth
To whom are you
Throwing love at?
Grieving love at?
I’m already
Spinning words
The warmth of my tongue
Completely cools
And I can’t sing
The song that I adore
Still, you do not answer.
Hi Miss Alice
Anata garasu no me de
Donna yume wo
Mirareru no
Miirareru no
Mata atashi
Kokoro ga sakete
Sukima ni sasaru
Hi Miss Alice
Anata kajitsu no kuchi de
Dare ni ai o
Nagete iru no
Nageite iru no
Mou atashi
Kotoba o tsumugu
Shita no netsu
Mederu o-uta mo
Still, you do not answer
Hi Miss Alice
あなた 硝子の眼で
Hi Miss Alice
あなた 果実の口で
Still, you do not answer
Hi Miss Alice.
With glass eyes
What kind of a dream
Are you able to have?
Are you entranced by?
Again for me
My heart tears apart
And flows out
Pierce into
The mended crevice
Hi Miss Alice.
With a fruitful mouth
To whom are you
Throwing love at?
Grieving love at?
I’m already
Spinning words
The warmth of my tongue
Completely cools
And I can’t sing
The song that I adore
Still, you do not answer.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Shinshoku Dolce Track 12-Shiroi Kokoro
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 12-Shiroi Kokoro
A steady symphony from the talented Kanon Wakeshima
Track 12-Shiroi Kokoro
A steady symphony from the talented Kanon Wakeshima
Shinshoku Dolce Track 11-Skip Turn Step♪
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 11-Skip Turn Step♪
The B-side of Suna No Oshiro
A happy-song from Kanon-san.
Track 11-Skip Turn Step♪
The B-side of Suna No Oshiro
A happy-song from Kanon-san.
Shinshoku Dolce Track 10 -Kuroi Torikago
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 10 -Kuroi Torikago
A high-beat song by Kanon Wakeshima
Track 10 -Kuroi Torikago
A high-beat song by Kanon Wakeshima
Shinshoku Dolce Track 9-L'espoir ~Mahou no Akai Ito~
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 9-L'espoir ~Mahou no Akai Ito~
by Kanon Wakeshima
Track 9-L'espoir ~Mahou no Akai Ito~
by Kanon Wakeshima
Shinshoku Dolce Track 8-Monochrome Frame
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 8-Monochrome Frame
A slow still song from Kanon Wakeshima
Track 8-Monochrome Frame
A slow still song from Kanon Wakeshima
Shinshoku Dolce Track 7-Suna No Oshiro [Sand Castle]
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 7-Suna No Oshiro
Suna No Oshiro [PV]
Track 7-Suna No Oshiro
Suna No Oshiro [PV]
Shinshoku Dolce Track 6-Ennui Kibun!
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 6-Ennui Kibun!
Alice of the real world,Kanon Wakeshima.
Track 6-Ennui Kibun!
Alice of the real world,Kanon Wakeshima.
Shinshoku Dolce Track 5-Maboroshi [Phantom]
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 5-Moboroshi
The sweet notes played by Kanon Wakeshima
A song which can bring all your sweet phantom memories.
Track 5-Moboroshi
The sweet notes played by Kanon Wakeshima
A song which can bring all your sweet phantom memories.
Shinshoku Dolce Track 4-Still Doll (Album version)
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 4-Still Doll (Album Version)
by Kanon Wakeshima
Track 4-Still Doll (Album Version)
by Kanon Wakeshima
Shinshoku Dolce Track 2-Shinku no Fetarizumu
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 2-Shinku no Fetarizumu [Crimson Fatalism]
Track 2-Shinku no Fetarizumu [Crimson Fatalism]
Shinshoku Dolce Track1-Sweet Ticket
Shinshoku Dolce
Track 1-Sweet ticket
The sweet ticket symphony from Kanon Wakeshima.
Track 1-Sweet ticket
The sweet ticket symphony from Kanon Wakeshima.
Wakeshima Kanon Live In Paris

Kanon Wakeshima live in Paris
Kanon wrote
I’ll visit Paris!
I'm thrilled to tell you that I'll visit Paris in February and I'll be
doing a special live event there! I'll also be doing an in-store event!
I can't even express how much I'm looking forward to going!! I've always
wanted to go to Paris and now it's my first stop overseas! I'm overjoyed!
Please look forward to my events. Of course, I'll put my all into each and
every song for everyone~
Also, I'm learning as much French as I can before I go so I can try and say
a few things to you guys when I see you. Please look forward to that, as
well!? I'll try my best!
Lots of love!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Kanon Wakeshiima-Suna No Oshiro
Kanon Wakeshima-Suna No Oshiro
(single) 2008.11.12
Suna No Oshiro [PV]
Suna No Oshiro [Orgel Version]
(single) 2008.11.12
Suna No Oshiro [PV]
Suna No Oshiro [Orgel Version]
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Kanon Wakeshima -Still Doll
Kanon Wakeshima-Still Doll
(single) 2008.05.28
Still Doll Album Version
Still Doll [PV]
Still Doll (music box)
(single) 2008.05.28
Still Doll Album Version
Still Doll [PV]
Still Doll (music box)
Kanon Wakeshima Debut
The debut story of Kanon Wakeshima
(from her official website)
To sing, to play the cello, to collect cute things, to draw. Not to forget fabulous clothes and sweets. That is the nineteen year old that stands before us. Her name is Kanon Wakeshima.
“My parents had made up their minds before I was even born that I was to take up music because they’re such great fans of music. The even gave me a musical name. Kanon, is actually taken from canon (and also written as ‘sound of flowers’ in Japanese).”
Thus at the urging of her parents, Kanon, who started playing the cello at age 3, found herself pulled deeper and deeper into the world of music as she grew older. It was when she hit adolescence that her musical interests expanded beyond classical music and into the realm of popular music. That was when she discovered the joy of singing. It was not long before she started songwriting and found her present innovative style of singing and playing the cello.
It was no less than Mana himself that expressed great interest in the incredible anomaly that is Kanon Wakeshima. Not only was Mana the leader of the ultimate art experience MALICE MIZER, but his present Goth Rock Project Moi dix Mois is gaining huge popularity not just in Japan but especially in Europe and other territories overseas. It is this same Mana who announced that he will be producing a female artist for the first time.
“I instinctively knew she was the one when I first saw her not only singing, but also playing the cello. As a lover of classical music, it was the fact that she sang and played the cello that I sensed a world of future possibilities.”
In addition to his musical talents, Mana’s sophisticated aesthetic has led him to branch out from his musical activities and start his own fashion label, Moi-même-moitié. It was Mana that coined the term “Gothic and Lolita” and became the leading figure in the Goth Lolita fashion concept. It goes without being said that this Goth Loli movement which started in Japan has subsequently spread far and wide throughout the world, together with the music genre now known as Visual-Kei. And it is a fact that Mana, the leading authority in both genres is heralded as an iconic figure.
What was it about Kana Wakeshima that captured the imagination of the ingenious Mana? It wasn’t just her perfect pitch cultivated as a result of early training, nor was it that she is the one and only singing cellist. The possibilities he saw in her were many fold.
“There were things about her other than music that intrigued me. First of all, her love of drawing. I share a love for drawings and paintings as well. I’ve seen some of her work and was quite impressed. I was also drawn to her personality. She has a very mature side for a teenager, but at the same time, she’s likely to wear a ring in the shape of a cookie or a piece of candy. She has both the air of a mature adult and a childlike side which is what makes her such a unique individual.”
These endless possibilities that Mana saw in Kanon Wakeshima, together with certain images of her that sparked his imagination eventually took shape in the form of her debut single, “Still Doll”. This song has been used as the ending theme to the popular TV anime, Vampire Knight since April on TV Tokyo.
The illusionary notes to the waltz. The elegant melody of the cello (played by Kanon Wakeshima herself). A touch of electronic new wave hidden in a classical ambience. Kanon Wakeshima’s vocals that glide over this most extraordinary sound has the silky softness of an exquisite piece of chiffon cake, a sweetness that leaves you dreamy eyed and will surely spread gracefully within your ears.
“When I first listened to this song from Mana-sama, I felt as though I was lost , wandering inside a castle…”
That is how Wakeshima describes the song to which she wrote the lyrics to. Her lyrics, that have a way of enhancing the music, have a storytelling quality and a complicated psychological narrative that seem to reflect her own fragile sensibility.
“She and I take a very different lyrical approach. The lyrics to the B-side track called “Kuroi Torikago” (The Black Birdcage) have a totally different feel to them so she’s changed her singing style accordingly. Childlike and yet mature. Her unique personality encompassing these two different sides is quite evident in this debut single.”
This coming May 28th, right in the midst of May flower season, the blossom that is Kanon Wakeshima, cultivated by Mana, will come into full bloom. Experience for yourself how precious and beautiful this flower is.
interview & text by Yuki Sugie
(from her official website)
To sing, to play the cello, to collect cute things, to draw. Not to forget fabulous clothes and sweets. That is the nineteen year old that stands before us. Her name is Kanon Wakeshima.
“My parents had made up their minds before I was even born that I was to take up music because they’re such great fans of music. The even gave me a musical name. Kanon, is actually taken from canon (and also written as ‘sound of flowers’ in Japanese).”
Thus at the urging of her parents, Kanon, who started playing the cello at age 3, found herself pulled deeper and deeper into the world of music as she grew older. It was when she hit adolescence that her musical interests expanded beyond classical music and into the realm of popular music. That was when she discovered the joy of singing. It was not long before she started songwriting and found her present innovative style of singing and playing the cello.
It was no less than Mana himself that expressed great interest in the incredible anomaly that is Kanon Wakeshima. Not only was Mana the leader of the ultimate art experience MALICE MIZER, but his present Goth Rock Project Moi dix Mois is gaining huge popularity not just in Japan but especially in Europe and other territories overseas. It is this same Mana who announced that he will be producing a female artist for the first time.
“I instinctively knew she was the one when I first saw her not only singing, but also playing the cello. As a lover of classical music, it was the fact that she sang and played the cello that I sensed a world of future possibilities.”
In addition to his musical talents, Mana’s sophisticated aesthetic has led him to branch out from his musical activities and start his own fashion label, Moi-même-moitié. It was Mana that coined the term “Gothic and Lolita” and became the leading figure in the Goth Lolita fashion concept. It goes without being said that this Goth Loli movement which started in Japan has subsequently spread far and wide throughout the world, together with the music genre now known as Visual-Kei. And it is a fact that Mana, the leading authority in both genres is heralded as an iconic figure.
What was it about Kana Wakeshima that captured the imagination of the ingenious Mana? It wasn’t just her perfect pitch cultivated as a result of early training, nor was it that she is the one and only singing cellist. The possibilities he saw in her were many fold.
“There were things about her other than music that intrigued me. First of all, her love of drawing. I share a love for drawings and paintings as well. I’ve seen some of her work and was quite impressed. I was also drawn to her personality. She has a very mature side for a teenager, but at the same time, she’s likely to wear a ring in the shape of a cookie or a piece of candy. She has both the air of a mature adult and a childlike side which is what makes her such a unique individual.”
These endless possibilities that Mana saw in Kanon Wakeshima, together with certain images of her that sparked his imagination eventually took shape in the form of her debut single, “Still Doll”. This song has been used as the ending theme to the popular TV anime, Vampire Knight since April on TV Tokyo.
The illusionary notes to the waltz. The elegant melody of the cello (played by Kanon Wakeshima herself). A touch of electronic new wave hidden in a classical ambience. Kanon Wakeshima’s vocals that glide over this most extraordinary sound has the silky softness of an exquisite piece of chiffon cake, a sweetness that leaves you dreamy eyed and will surely spread gracefully within your ears.
“When I first listened to this song from Mana-sama, I felt as though I was lost , wandering inside a castle…”
That is how Wakeshima describes the song to which she wrote the lyrics to. Her lyrics, that have a way of enhancing the music, have a storytelling quality and a complicated psychological narrative that seem to reflect her own fragile sensibility.
“She and I take a very different lyrical approach. The lyrics to the B-side track called “Kuroi Torikago” (The Black Birdcage) have a totally different feel to them so she’s changed her singing style accordingly. Childlike and yet mature. Her unique personality encompassing these two different sides is quite evident in this debut single.”
This coming May 28th, right in the midst of May flower season, the blossom that is Kanon Wakeshima, cultivated by Mana, will come into full bloom. Experience for yourself how precious and beautiful this flower is.
interview & text by Yuki Sugie
Kanon Wakeshima.Get to know her.

Kanon Wakeshima
20 years old
a cello vocalist
From her official website,
Kanon started playing the cello at the age of 3.
She began to take the full-scale guidance since the early age.
When she was a junior high school student, she formed a cello duo and an ensemble group. At the age of 15, she started playing the baroque cello as part classical ensembles. She appeared in many recitals and joint concerts since the early age.
She began music creation at the end of the junior high school times, and when she was 16 years old, she sang as a vocalist for the first time on a stage of the senior high school festival. She was belonging to the light music club in the days of a senior high school.
As a multi-talented artist, Kanon joined the Sony Music Audition as a singer. She was one of the finalists and she made a contract with DefSTAR RECORDS.
28th May, she will make her major debut.
a constellation : Cancer
a blood type : A
a performance musical instrument : cello
the opportunity when she began music : the recommendation of cello from her parents
the music that she played for the first time : twinkle, twinkle, little star variations
memorable song : haydn cello concerto
favourite cell player : Jacqueline du Pré
favourite musician : Emilie Simon, lily-chou-chou, Mayumi Kojima
a favorite composer : Debussy, Satie
a favourite painter : Alfons Maria Mucha
a favourite colour : red (mostly)
a favourite novelist : Mayumi Nagano, Hiroko Taniyama
a hobby / a special ability : drawing a picture
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